The Truth About Strategic Buyers

In this case, you’ll likely sell to your competitor or a larger company that wants your customers or team. You may think that’s a great option because they already know your business. Just be prepared to become another employee (just what you opened your business to avoid becoming, we presume.)

The dark side of a strategic buyer…

  • You think you’re making a “safe” choice, but you lose all of your ability to influence change in your area of expertise

  • You may end up with a better salary, but you’ll be expected to get on board with their existing culture, norms, and daily expectations

  • You think you’ve sold your business, but you end up signing up for a 3-to-5-year job for the strategic buyer. 

  • Your employees are expected to quickly adjust to a new culture, new expectations, and a new job. Some of them will, many of them will not and you can lose great people.


The Truth about Private Equity